Hello Sunshine Coast!

Welcome to our new website. It has been a long time in the making and we hope that everyone will find it user friendly and pleasing to the eyes. We will be using this website and our blog page to showcase our beautiful Patios, Pergolas, Carports & Decks to the Sunshine Coast. Please feel free to check in from time to time to see the latest updates on our blog page.

If anyone comes across any teething problems with our website please feel free to call our friendly staff on 07 5437 9525 to let us know. Just like Jason from Sippy Downs did for us, letting us know that our “get in Touch” from wasn’t working properly. Thank you Jason šŸ™‚

The Coastal Patios family would like to thank you for visiting our website and remember when it comes to Patios, Pergolas, Carports & Decks, “We’ve got the coast covered”